Our regional Advanced Manufacturing Training programs can help you jumpstart your career. Each year we offer a variety of training programs from introduction to manufacturing, CNC machining, robotics, welding, and more, across the state. The cost of many of these training programs may be covered through scholarships.
Hear some testimonials regarding a few of our training programs, then explore and find the right training for you!
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Regional Captains

West (including Berkshire and Pioneer Valley)
David M. Cruise
President & CEO
MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board
(413) 755-1362
Central (including Central and North Central)
Kelley French
Deputy Director
MassHire North Central Workforce Board
(978) 580-5906
Northeast (including Northeast and Greater Boston)
Maryanne Ham
Executive Director
Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (NAMC)
Southeast (including Southeast and Cape)
Deborah Meggison
Director of Operations
MassHire Greater New Bedford Workforce Board
(508) 979-1504