Program Goals:
The Welding Technician Training Certificate Program provides candidates with courses designed to learn fundamental skills in thermal cutting processes, fabrication, and manufacturing. The curriculum and its course work covers essential aspects, including identification of symbols, interpretation of technical drawings, and efficient techniques for joining different materials. Upon completion, the course work will have prepared graduates to enter the advanced manufacturing industry with the knowledge and technical skills required for a successful career.
What You Will Learn:
Upon completing the Welding Technician Training Certificate Program course work, graduates will be able to:
- Apply the four main techniques used in manufacturing: Shielded Metal Arc (SMAW), Gas Metal Arc (GMAW), Flux Cored Arc (FCAW), and Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW) to produce high-quality welds
- Adhere to safe working practices and responsible use of tools and machinery in manufacturing settings
- Precisely and effectively cut various materials using Oxygen Fuel Cutting (OFC), Mechanized Oxygen Fuel Cutting (MOFC), Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC), and Air Carbon Arc Cutting (CAC-A)
- Read and interpret work orders, technical specifications, and symbols to accurately perform welding processes such as Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding and Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding
- Apply modern tools and techniques to efficiently perform welding and manufacturing processes
- Understand the properties of different materials and their behavior in relation to welding and other manufacturing processes.
Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
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